It’s been a while since I’ve had an official update, and with 2021 almost over, it’s about time for me to resurface.
2021 has had many dips and peaks. While 2020 was hard on so many of us, I've made some inroads this year that I need to reflect on. I've been very fortunate all things considered. And, I hope that things only get better in 2022. 2021 was the year that I got published, with my debut book launching in March. With my Gordian Knot trilogy out in the world, I remain as hungry as ever to write more stories and share them with readers. Rest assured, I have loads of tales to tell. My current novel project, NOMAD, is set in the same Pax universe as my Gordian Knot trilogy. It further develops the lore of this universe but is a stand-alone action-adventure tale with starships, space pirates, and epic… things that I can’t talk about for fear of spoiling the goods. I'm currently revising it (it's still over 90K words long!) and hope to send it out in the next few months as I consider markets and selling options. If you're interested in being a beta reader, please reach out to me because I could always use the help. For 2022, I'd like to grow my readership, write more stories, make more friends, dig into my TBR book pile (oops), and expand into other arenas. I spend alot of time on YouTube, and I would like to build up my channel and fan base. I have an idea for a graphic novel that I'd like to develop this year as well. Standby for updates on that. A tall order and perhaps a bit ambitious, but I have a year to work with and I want to give myself something aspirational to aim for. If you aren’t already subscribed to my newsletter, please consider doing so (you get free access to my website's secret page). I do try to enlarge my readership base and it’s hard to get my name out as an indie author, so it really helps. I hope that 2021 has been kind to you all, and that 2022 will be better. From my home to yours, happy holidays and an even happier new year. See you all in 2022! Best, John (and Jonesy)
THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES, the final book of my debut Gordian Knot trilogy, came out this month! It's still so hard to believe.
Thank you to everyone who helped me get the word out and purchased a book. It really means alot to me. If you haven't already done so, please consider dropping a rating or a review or hopping onto Goodreads to start a discussion about the books or ask a question. Stuff like that helps me get visibility and I'm just a fresh indie. I've started a page on the crowdfunding site Buy me a coffee. If you can spare a few bucks that would be great. My immediate goal is to raise enough funds to buy a new laptop, because this one is close to dying on me. In the near future, I'd like to dramatically improve my output of stories and art (including loads of additional/free content). To that end, I'm already working on the next novel! I would like to formally announce that my next book, NOMAD, is officially in pre-production. I'm already a few thousand words in and I'll keep y'all updated as I make headway. NOMAD is set in the same Pax Universe as the Gordian Knot trilogy and is about an expedition to rendezvous with an experimental exploration vessel that mysteriously vanished during her maiden voyage 80 years before the events of the trilogy. This novel will not be action-oriented like the Gordian Knot books, but rather about exploration and discovery. I'm going more for classic SF in the spirit of Arthur C. Clarke with grandeur and scale, some hard science, and alot of heady ideas. And...I can neither confirm nor deny that the novel may have some really cool aliens. If you're interested, the best way to stay up to date is to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Stay cool and healthy everyone. Best, John (and Jonesy (=^ . ^=)) ![]() It's almost here folks! Book #3 of the Gordian Knot trilogy, THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES, comes out in just a few days on May 4th! I hope that you join me in spirit for the conclusion to this epic trilogy. I feel that it's my best and most ambitious story to date, but I may also be a bit biased. Thank you to everyone who helped and supported me as I continue to grow my career and reader base. It's been hard and sometimes frustrating, but I have to stop and remember how far I've come. Some of you have already purchased the first two books of my trilogy and that fills me with so much joy. I hope that you enjoy my books as much as I loved writing them. I would love to hear from y'all, so don't be shy. You can leave comments here, post questions on my Goodreads, or like/follow me on my social media. I would love to hear from people who read the books or are curious and maybe want to give it a try. Before I forget - I have a linktree which has all of my relevant links. And if you have read any of my books please consider giving it a rating on Amazon/Goodreads and writing a review. It really means alot to me and I can use all the help that I can get in terms of visibility as an indie author. Other than that, enjoy the Spring weather and take care of each other. Have a good 'un John (and Jonesy) ![]() Hello everyone, I hope that you're well. Many of you may be enjoying Spring where you are (if you're like me in the Northern Hemisphere away from the tropics). It's getting quite warm and sunny, and I have some good news that may also cheer you up. SOWING THE DRAGON'S TEETH (book #2 of my debut GORDIAN KNOT series)! If you've already pre-ordered a digital/audiobook copy you should have it now and I hope that you enjoy it. If you're thinking about getting book #1, ONE DAY AS A LION (or both, which I recommend), you can do so at very reasonable prices. If you're curious about the Pax universe which these books take place in, you can snoop around on my website or sign up for my newsletter for exclusive bonus material. In fact, the next newsletter is coming out in a few weeks and I have something special in mind to share with subscribers. I would also advise you to pre-order book 3, THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES to complete the set and find out how this meta story ends. I can't spoil it for you, but it's going to be epic. To celebrate the occasion, I want to give y'all a peek at something that my friends (and fellow 2021 debut science fiction authors) Casey Berger and Claire Holroyde made for me. It's a character profile for the trilogy's main character, good ol' Pappy. Character sketch by yours truly. Enjoy the books and/or the weather and stay safe out there. Have a good 'un John These updates are coming fast, but things are happening fast and I'm just trying to keep up!
Book 2 officially launches April 6th, which is right around the corner. It's kind of scary how fast things are moving. Some of you have already ordered and read book 1, ONE DAY AS A LION. If so, thank you - I do believe that you'll like to know what happens next. I wish I could tell you! I'll have an excerpt available shortly. I hope you enjoy book 2 - SOWING THE DRAGON'S TEETH - as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's not just the middle part of the GORDIAN KNOT trilogy. My pilot series is also a way for me to share a rich storytelling universe that I spent years creating, and I'm so happy to share it. Speaking of which, as I get my ducks in a row I'd like to share some more Pax universe fluff and possibly other free content. I'm not sure how many of you would be interested in that, but I would rather err on the side of more content than potential readers hungry for more. Drop me a comment if you DEMAND more, or are curious, or just want to say hi. I would love to hear from you. Thanks for sticking around. Have a good week and take care of each other. John ONE DAY AS A LION has launched! If you're reading it right now, I hope you're enjoying it. It's hard to believe that my debut released only ten days ago. It still feels a bit surreal to have a project that you've been working on for years to be out in the world.
Some of you have been with me for a long time. I can't thank you all enough for your support and help. Thank you to everyone who bought and rated/reviewed my (first ever) book. It means alot to me. I think it's about time to share a little teaser of book 2's cover (believe it or not, it's coming next month). I plan on doing an official reveal in a few days, but this is just a little tasty taste. Aethon Books is doing a rapid release strategy for the trilogy and I'm just trying to help them get word out any way that I can. I really have to rely on grass roots and word of mouth and I'm grateful for the assistance that I've had. It takes a village! ONE DAY AS A LION is currently ranking quite well on Amazon considering I'm just a debut author without a big name/publisher behind me and it's not a license property or part of some popular series. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it stays up there or can pick up some orange bestseller tags too? Heh heh. Thanks again and take care of yourselves. best, John Now that my trilogy is written (book 3 is with the editors, but I've turned in a solid draft), I can recover and get back into the swing of things. And I really need to, debut launches March 2nd! That's only FIVE DAYS away!
Please bear with me as I get my ducks in a row. There's still alot that I need to learn, but I'm leaning on every option available to me to boost this message as the first book of my trilogy gets fueled up on the launch pad. I just recently sent out my March newsletter with some updates. Here is the condensed version (subscribe for the juiciest bits and extras). I will be hosting a virtual book launch party on Facebook the same day as my debut. March second is next Tuesday. It will start at 6pm. There is a discussion thread there where you can hop on and ask me a question for an ask me anything. I will be peeking in all day to cull questions which I will highlight during the party. If you can't make the event, maybe you can hop on and drop a question for me. I also plan on utilizing the tools available on Goodreads soon ahead of launch day, so you can check out my author's page there also if you're curious. ONE DAY AS A LION is available for pre-order on Amazon. For those of you who might prefer audiobooks, it is also on Audibles. If you are a reviewer please contact me for an advanced reader copy. I think that's all for now. As always please drop me a message if you have questions. Until then be safe and be good to each other. best, John What a winter it has been! I feel like so much has happened and I've been away for such a long time. Anyway...I'm back! I have been away for over a month now, but rest assured I was diligently working on book 3 of the Gordian Knot trilogy, and (drum roll) it's done!
I kind of feel like Matt Damon's character in The Martian. It took me over a day to mentally recover just from the frantic pace of my final round of edits before sending my draft to the publishers. Maybe one of these days I can candidly share what the experience was like - and perhaps how to avoid making the same mistakes that I did and suffering serious burnout. That said, I have an important announcement. As many of you know, my debut is coming up soon on March 2nd! Below, I have an Amazon pre-order link for those who feel so inclined. Check it out, click, as you like. I have some other updates and news that I want to share, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself just yet and I need time to prepare and organize. I also want to do something special for my newsletter subscribers because I haven't sent one in...two months? I want to make this one a little extra. That said, I need to give my eyes a break from the computer screen - which I've been staring at constantly for what feels like the entire pandemic lockdown. A sincere thank you to everyone who has been supportive. I will keep you updated as I transition to the next step of my journey (whatever that may be :P). Be good to yourselves and to each other. best, John It feels like it's been forever since my last update. Hopefully, this video will explain a few things and give some insights. The short version is that I've been occupied with finishing book 3 of the GORDIAN KNOT trilogy. I've needed to adjust all of my commitments - during one of the busiest and most stressful times of the year. And what a year it has been! More exciting news to come in the near future and perhaps a short newsletter at the end of this month? But...the rest can wait. Relax and enjoy your time with your loved ones. Snuggle up. Stay warm and safe. Happy holidays and peace on Earth. John With everything going on this year, it's always nice to get some good news. My newsletter subscribers have heard it first, but it's time for me to get the word out.
I have a cover! And, I have a release date! March 2, 2021 is the big day, so please save it, share it, spread it around. It's frankly still a little surreal. This project was once a very rough idea and took years of work. It's gone through many steps and changes, and now it's getting closer and closer to being shared at large. Other than that, I'm in the process of launching a professional/author page on Facebook. I'm also considering starting a street team to help me build a grass roots base of support for publicity and promotion. That's a bit more of an aspirational idea, but if you're interested or have ideas please let me know. It's also about time for me to make some other updates like adding art to the art gallery and writing a new blog post (maybe something spoooky Halloween-related). Anyway - back to work. Still need to finish book three so that I'll have the time to focus on other projects. Be good to yourselves and to each other. Best, John |